"Technical and Technological Aspects of Development and Testing of New Machinery and Technologies for Agriculture of Ukraine"


Dear authors, today the situation with scientific publications in Ukraine demands them to be included in Scopus and / or Web of Science international science and technology bases. Therefore, the editorial board of the collection of scientific works of our institute updates the requirements for the materials submitted by the contributors.  The publication is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the field of technical (specialty 133 - "Industrial Engineering") and agricultural (specialties: 201 - "Agronomy" and 208 - "Agroengineering") sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №886 from 02.07.2020 m). The main purpose of this collection is to provide readers with information on new methods of testing, forecasting and construction of agricultural machinery and equipment, research and forecast of the development of the latest technologies in agro-industrial complex, energy saving and alternative energy, which is relevant, has a scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

Manuscripts of articles are sent by the authors exclusively in electronic form to the e-mail address babinec.t@ukr.net with the mark "for publication in the collection". The file name will be the first author's surname, transliterated in Latin.

Language of the articles: Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Manuscripts must include:


The name of the article.

Information about the authors is given after the title of the article: surname, initials, scientific degrees, academic titles, place of work, e-mail. The author responsible for correspondence additionally indicates his personal mobile phone number. You must add the ORCID ID code of each author to the article. If the author is not registered with ORCID, you must be sure to create an account at http://orcid.org/

Abstract (author's summary) is a brief summary of the article, from which should be understood its essence, relevance and scientific novelty. The abstract is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the collection of scientific works, as well as in search engines, may be published independently, in isolation from the main text, that is, it must be understood without reference to the publication itself. This is an advertisement for your article, so it should be comprehensive and interesting for potential readers. The abstract should include: the purpose of research, methods, results and conclusions. It should be written at the final stage, when the article is complete.

The volume of the annotation is 1800-2000 characters (without spaces).

Keywords are placed after the abstract and include 6 to 8 words or phrases.

The title of the article, the information about the authors, the abstract and the keywords are given in three languages - in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

  • Introduction involves an analysis of the current state of the scientific problem you are considering. This is basically a literary review and justification of the relevance of the topic, supported by references to sources of world literature. For review should be taken mainly publications in international journals and preferably for the last 5-10 years. It is very important not to start the introduction with a description of regional practice, but first to describe global problems and trends in this sphere and only then move on to more local issues. The existing problems and challenges (referring to foreign authors), their possible causes and consequences should be described. At the same time world experience is to be taken into account. Then it is necessary to point out the previously unsolved parts of the general problem in research, than to bring to the purpose pursued by the article and to its relevance. Point out the novelty – which is the basis of the whole study, confirm the practical significance of the article and the contribution to world and domestic science.

Number of words – 250-300.

  • Problem Statement. It is necessary to substantiate the motivation of the study (for example, to develop a new methodology, to obtain new experimental data, to optimize something), to clearly define the purpose and objectives of the work,

Number of words - 200.

  • Methods and Materials. In this section it is necessary to state a technique and a hypothesis of research, materials, on the basis of which it is carried out. If statistics are used, it is necessary to focus on the client's country. It is important to correctly design and describe research methods. It is necessary to briefly describe the research methodology, ie based on methodological concepts (with reference to specific works), without mentioning general scientific methods, such as comparative analysis, synthesis, literature analysis and so on.

Indicate in detail and specifically the selected criteria of the analysis, the analyzed period, sources of the taken materials and data, the used programs for generalization and interpretation of the received data. Describe in detail the proposed mathematical model, if any, and give formulas and so on. Specify statistical data processing. Describe the main stages and their tasks. At the end, it is necessary to indicate the limitations of the study - what failed, what was the most difficult, to indicate that the sample was relevant and to justify it. This section can be divided into thematic sections: Research project; Sample research; Intervention; Research limitations; Statistical analysis, etc., they can be outlined /displayed by subheadings to make the presentation more consistent.

Number of words - from 300.

  • Results. The results reveal the novelty of the article, which provides motivation. As in the introduction, the use of general phrases should be avoided. In addition, the use of sources should be minimized, focusing on the author's observations and results. The results should correspond to the stated purpose and objectives of the article. We describe the idea, the concept that has found application. Be sure to stick to the specifics. The main requirements for this section are clarity and consistency of presentation, a complete overview of all results. For greater clarity, the results are accompanied by figures, tables and formulas. If there are numbers in the text, be sure to present them in the form of tables and figures. If the article contains theoretical models, it is necessary to give their experimental assessment of adequacy.

Number of words – 600 + 2-3 tables (or graphs).

  • Discussion. Once the author has received the results of his research, he needs to compare them with similar works to judge the differences or similarities. We agree with some facts, we do not agree with others. We present the facts of our study and compare everything with each other, with a description of the same, similar, different.

Number of words – 300-600.

  • Conclusions. The conclusions must:

- summarize the results (most importantly);

- describe the practical and scientific value of the study;

- indicate possible areas of application of research results;

- outline the prospects for further research in this direction.

Number of words - 300.

  • References. The list of literature should be from 15 to 25 sources, of which 10-12 for the last 5 years and at least 5 sources of foreign authors. No more than 5 % of the bibliography can be your publications. DOI (if available) is a mandatory element of the list of references. The list of references is submitted in the original language and in English. It is compiled in alphabetical order (first sources in Ukrainian and Russian, and then in a foreign language) without numbers. The list of references must include all authors of each literature source. Referring to the literary source in the text it is necessary to write in square brackets the author's name and after comma the year of publication (if two authors, both are indicated, if three or more, then write the name of the first author, and instead of the names of other authors write "and others" ). All works that are referenced in square brackets should be in the list of literature / References. Conversely, all items of the References should be referenced in square brackets in the text of the article. The used literature is given at the end of the article.

The list of references should be made according to the international bibliographic standard ARA (American Psychological Association Style).

Examples of the correct design of literature sources with all the initial data of publications:

Journals (Для статей з журналів)

Cai H.H., Li S.D., Tian G.R., Wang H.B. and Wang J.H. (2010). Reinforcement of natural rubber latex film by ultrafine calcium carbonate. Applied Polymer Journal, 87 (6), 982-985.

Books (Для книг)

Lund H.F. (1994). World Health Organization: Industrial Pollution Control Handbook, 1971, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, p. 4 / 23-4 / 39.

Houk R.S., SvecH.J. and Fassel V.A. (1981). "Dynamic Mass Spectrometry", Ed. D. Price and J. F. J. Todd, Vol. 6, Chap. 19, Heyden, London, 234.

Proceedings or Abstracts (Для конференцій)

Raghuvanshi S.P., Singh R., Kaushik C.P., Raghav A.K. and Chandra A. 2002. In Proceedings of International Conference for Water and Wastewater: Perspectives in Developing Countries (WAPDEC), International Water Association, UK, pp. 1053-1062.

Formulas must be typed by the Microsoft Equation 3.0 formulas editor and placed in the middle of the line; the formula number is located at the right edge of the line.

Tables are placed directly after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time. The table name is capitalized (Table) and placed above the table on the left.

The drawing is placed directly after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time. The name of the picture is placed after the drawing. The font size is 1 pt smaller than the size of the main text. Illustrations in color and black and white should be in one of the standard formats – .tif; .jpq.

The volume of the article is from 7 to 10 pages of A4 format, including annotations, tables, drawings and bibliography. The materials should be prepared using the Word editor, with fields 2 cm, the font Times New Roman, the font 14 pt, the line spacing of 1.5, the paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm.

Articles that correspond to the thematic orientation of the collection, the main criteria of scientific quality and the above technical requirements, are subject to scientific review. The editorial staff reserves the right to adjust the title of the article, reduce its volume, make edits (technical, literary and scientific editing).

The cost of publication is 120 UAH / p. A copy of the receipt for payment is sent to the editorial office when it is approved for printing.

The full text of the article is submitted by May 15 and November 15 of the current year.

Warning! The number of words in each section is indicated approximately to optimize the structure of the article.


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